vineri, 26 septembrie 2014

Diabetes Symptoms in Teens

Diabetes is a disease in which the pancreas doesn’t make sufficient insulin. Insulin is the hormone that transforms sugar of our blood into energy to run all the biological mechanisms in our body.
Diabetes is generally classified in two types. The first type is formerly known as juvenile diabetes, as well as there is another type. Teenagers and Children can get affected by both.
But with first kind of diabetes, diabetes symptoms in teens advance quickly within a short period of time.
Symptoms of Diabetes
Symptoms of diabetes of first type has been observed in teens, children and adults as well. Some common symptoms are listed below;

diabetic dermopathy treatment
Diabetes syptoms in Teens
Urination and thirst
One of the initial symptoms of diabetes in youths is extreme thirst. In the blood, the levels of sugar build up as well as grab fluids from every tissue that leaves a teen feeling dehydrated. As the teen continues to consume water, there is an increase in urination.

A teenager might get extremely hungry as the sugar isn’t turns into energy supposed to be one among diabetes symptoms in teens. The body uses fat that is stored until it is run down.

Weight Loss
When there isn’t sufficient sugar to change into energy, fat reserves is used by the body for energy. So a diabetic teenager loses muscle and weight.
A teenager who is suffering from diabetes does not possess energy. It is mainly due to the blood sugar that is not processed properly and results in fatigue.

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Vision Problems
Some people suffer from blurry eyesight’s as particular diabetes symptoms in teens because the body’s high sugar levels draw fluid from the tissues, comprising the eyes lenses.

Treatment for Diabetes
Most teens who are suffered from diabetes need insulin cure. A doctor can fix a specific routine that addresses your teen's insulin needs. Currently, there are many options of treatment of controlling insulin. Doses of insulin those act fast can be controlled at daytime and at night a dosage that acts slowly. A child's insulin necessities will change as she or he gets older, it is necessary to monitor diabetes symptoms in teens very closely.

Guidance to parents to help their children
It is easy for you to help your teen or child to treat diabetes by offering support. It is easy to get the information about the illness to identify sickness of kids and use proper ways to avoid the symptoms of its growth. Sometime people need to take responsibilities to inject insulin in the body of their child.
It is also necessary for you to identify the symptoms and signs of diabetic acidosis, low blood sugar and how to reply quickly. It is necessary to be sure that sugar is available anytime in any house, whether it's juice or fruit. Remember, you’re also the chief source of interaction for other persons who might help to supervise your child's diabetes like teachers, doctors and family members.
Teens and children are generally affected by first type. Diabetes symptoms in children and teens include fatigue, thirst and hunger. If you identify that your kid has symptoms of diabetes, then go online and check an informative site that provide knowledge of everything related to diabetes symptoms in teens.

miercuri, 24 septembrie 2014



Diabetes can be controlled by adopting a healthy and balanced lifestyle. One have to pay attention to his/her everyday diet in case of reducing the diabetes problem. This should be followed regularly so the blood sugar levels remain normal and can prevent complications from diabetes. 
It is very important for diabetic people to know what foods to eat and what to avoid. Foods that contain lots of sugar and fat are best avoided if you are suffering from diabetes, and therefore there are quite a lot of diabetic foods that you should avoid, or at least strictly limited consumption.
diabetic food list
Food that Should Be Avoided by Patients with Diabetes
Not only sugar, diabetics must pay attention to the intake of carbohydrates they consumed. Similarly, high cholesterol foods, should be avoided. Some studies also revealed that some fruits and vegetables are also there which are harmful for diabetics. All it brings you to the long list of categories of foods that should be limited and avoided by diabetics. Just consult with your doctor first about the foods that you should consume to live longer & healthy. 

Sugar Rich food 
Many foods are there which contain a lot of sugar in them which rolls a part of enemy for diabetic’s people. Foods with high sugar content such as white sugar (table sugar), ice cream, pastries, chocolates, and foods with artificial sweeteners, can be very dangerous for people who suffer from diabetes. These diabetic foods can cause an increase in blood sugar levels, so it is not surprising that should be avoided by people suffering from diabetes. Consult your doctor about the kinds of sweet foods that you consume as well as a few suggestions and tips to control it.

High cholesterol foods 
Diabetic condition causes decreased levels of good cholesterol, and otherwise increase the amount of bad cholesterol in the body. This causes diabetics which are prone to several diseases such as heart disease, high blood pressure and many more. Therefore, some type of high cholesterol foods such as dairy products high in fat, egg yolks, red meat, poultry, cheese, and so forth, should be avoided or carefully limited. These diabetic foods can cause severe harm to body. 
diabetic foods
Fruit juice 
Research shows that drinking a glass of fruit juice on a daily basis can increase the risk of diabetes. Especially for people with diabetes, eating more fruit will increases the chance of high diabetes level in the body. Consuming fruits directly will provide fiber, which is required by the body. While fruit juice contains high carbohydrates. So, these type of diabetic foods should not be consumed by the people in any case.  

Some Fruits and Vegetables 
Although in general it can be said that fruits are healthy for the body, but not all fruits for the diabetic people. People who have diabetes should avoid the kind of fruits that contain high levels of glucose and sucrose. Fruits like mango and strawberry lead to a spike in blood sugar levels in diabetics. Similarly, in some types of vegetables which are rich in starch, such as potatoes and squash, also must be carefully limited.

For beginners!!!